DfT to host integrated transport strategy roadshows and issues public call for ideas

Department for Transport (DfT) has issued a public call for ideas and is running a series of half-day roadshow events in February and March to support the development of an Integrated National Transport Strategy (INTS) for England.

The 11 roadshow events will gather views on how the strategy can achieve its aims and understand regional perspectives from key stakeholders.

DfT says INTS will set out a single national vision which will put people who use transport and their needs at its heart and empower local leaders to deliver integrated transport solutions that meet the needs of their local communities.

For those wanting to attend a roadshow event, DfT is operating a waitlist system to make sure they have a representative split of organisations and attendees. Successful applicants will receive an email inviting them to claim their place.

Click on the roadshow event of interest below to apply to join the waitlist:

Birmingham – 13 February (applications close Thursday 23 Jan)

Newcastle – 11 February (applications close Tuesday 28 Jan)

Manchester – 12 February (applications close Tuesday 28 Jan)

Leicester – 18 February (applications close Friday 24 Jan)

Ipswich – 19 February (applications close Friday 24 Jan)

Bristol – 25 February (applications close Friday 31 Jan)

Brighton – 27 February (applications close Friday 31 Jan)

Euston (London) – 4 March (applications close Friday 7 Feb)

The Oval (London) – 5 March (applications close Friday 7 Feb)

Cornwall (Falmouth) – 7 March (applications close Friday 14 Feb)

Milton Keynes – 11 March (applications close Friday 14 Feb)

Alternatively you can contribute through the on-line call for ideas.


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