The Places Hub
Seamlessly integrating transport, property and place, the CBRE-curated Places Hub progamme addressed how infrastructure investment is a driving force for economic growth

We filmed the whole programme. Click here for the Places Hub YouTube playlist
Download slides from session 1
Download slides from session 2
Download slides from session 3
View Place Hub photos (Places Hub is the second day of this gallery, starting half way down)
Event Schedule
Wednesday 28 February 2024
10.15-11.40 Session 1: How can we harness private investment to supercharge delivery of UK infrastructure
Jonathan Moseley, Executive Director, Head of Infrastructure, CBRE
Accessing infrastructure private finance
Attracting private finance into infrastructure assets and schemes
Darryl Murphy, Managing Director Infrastructure, AVIVA Investors
Role of the UK Infrastructure Bank
The role of UKIB in enabling and stimulating infrastructure investment and associated growth.
Jeremy Barker, Director, UK Infrastructure Bank
Securing private investment for infrastructure assets
A guide to attracting partners and unlocking development potential, showcasing an example of how to secure private investment partners for a significant infrastructure asset
Simon Tanner, Head of Asset Transformation, CBRE
Regeneration Impact Funds: Fireside chat
Development Finance — how its availability helps and its absence hinders regeneration
Andrew Antoniades, Executive Director, Head of Lending, CBRE
Andrew Mcintosh, Head of Place, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Reflections and session wrap up panel
Darryl Murphy, Managing Director Infrastructure, AVIVA Investors
Jeremy Barker, Director, UK Infrastructure Bank
Andrew Mcintosh, Head of Place, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Catherine Birks, Senior Director, Development Advisory, CBRE
Break in exhibition hall
12.00-13.15 Session 2: Infrastructure investment: a driving force for economic growth
Panel: Procuring and implementing public-private delivery partnerships
Exploring available routes for disposing public sector land and buildings, as well as procuring private sector development managers and joint venture partners to leverage infrastructure investment and deliver projects
Adam White, Senior Director, Development Advisory, CBRE
Phil Mayall, Managing Director, Muse Places
Paul Richards, CEO, Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation
Jessica Bowles, Director of Strategy, Bruntwood
Roy Barry, Partner & Head of Development, Brabners LLP
Andrew Ferguson, Partnerships & Property Director, LCR
Panel: How do we deliver more affordable homes
Looking at how regional devolution, Homes England, Local Authorities and the private sector can supercharge the delivery of affordable, low carbon homes
Alister Chapman, Senior Director, Development Advisory, CBRE
Jackie Rigby, Assistant Director, Place, Partnerships and Capacity, Homes England
Becca Heron, Strategic Director Growth & Development, Manchester City Council
Andrew McIntosh, Head of Place, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)
Networking in the exhibition hall, keynote stage addresses
14.30-15.30 Session 3: Big ideas to deliver meaningful change
14:30 – 14:50
Putting data and digital infrastructure at the heart of regeneration strategies
Examining how data analytics can inform town centre masterplans, and how digital infrastructure and delivery models can be embedded into new build schemes
Matt Hallett, Director, Supply Chain & Consumer Advisory, CBRE
Megan Hanney-Davies, Associate Director, Digital Transformation, CBRE
14:50 – 15.05
Unlocking Value from Real Estate
Exploring how the public sector can unlock value from existing real estate portfolios to free up capital for infrastructure investment
Andrew Playfer, Senior Director, Development Advisory, CBRE
15:05 – 15:10
Closing remarks
Jonathan Moseley, Executive Director, Head of Infrastructure, CBRE